Dec 4, 2021

Kulturlandschaften im Wandel

Cultivated landscapes in photographs by Karl-Ludwig Lange and Wiebke Elzel / Jana Müller,
curated by Benjamin Ochse

Opening reception of the exhibition on Dec. 04, 2021 at the Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop

The exhibition presents again the work Land (2009), which focuses on a Saxon village that was completely demolished from 2006 – 2008 in order to make the underlying brown coal deposit exploitable.

The exhibition will move to HAUS am KLEISTPARK, Berlin, in the summer of 2022.

Wiebke Elzel / Jana Müller, Land, Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop
Photo: © René Kafka, Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop, 2021
The only surviving building of the village Heuersdorf:
Transport of the Emmaus Church from Heuersdorf to Borna, Oct. 23, 2007